Decorating the table with fantasy

Simple solutions for an impressive table

The table is the protagonist of many moments in company: breakfasts, lunches, dinners... Enhancing it with special decorative elements helps to create a unique atmosphere.

Here are some ideas for personalizing the living area with taste, making the home more welcoming and in tune with your personality.

Flowers and fruits

Natural elements can be used as table centerpieces or place markers. Hard to go wrong. A bouquet placed in a classic vase, a bunch of freshly picked flowers inside a more unusual container, dried flowers next to napkins, a fruit basket or an arrangement of seasonal vegetables on an antique tray. Details that fill the atmosphere with colors and scents.

Candles and candle holders

One or more candles with sinuous lines, candlesticks like sculptures in the center of the table. For a formal dinner or for two, choose a bright, elegant and romantic decoration.

Decorative elements

Combining different decorations allows you to embellish the dining table in an original way. Different materials can be combined in similar shapes or, on the contrary, similar materials with different shapes. Remember the rule of three to always obtain a harmonious effect, compositions with odd numbers convey balance and dynamism.

Beautifying the table is a simple and fun way to experiment, choosing what you really like and which gives you joy and harmony.

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